Thursday, 7 February 2019

Narcissists Tend To Create At Least One Scapegoat

Narcissists Tend To Create At Least One Scapegoat

"In dysfunctional families, in which one or both parents are narcissists, the scapegoat is the "black sheep." However, scapegoats can also be created in social circles or in the workplace. The scapegoat is the main target of the narcissist. Most often, the scapegoat is created because this person is a threat and initially, is usually the most truthful and emotionally healthy. The narcissist goes out of their way to destroy this person." ~ Traci Dillard

#NPD #ClusterB #WMD #CharacterDisturbed #MoralInsanity #MaskofSanity #Depraved #Vicious #NarcissisticAbuse #SystematicEmotionalAbuse #AbuseByProxy #Scapegoat #Gaslighting #PassiveAggressive #MentalTorture #SoulRapist #PsychoGrooming #DoctusiPredopath #SerialSoulKiller #PsychologicalMurder #PsychopathyAwareness #SafetyFirst #PSA

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