Monday 18 February 2019

Janus-faced Diabolical Narcissism

Janus-faced Diabolical Narcissism:

#NPD #ClusterB #Narczi #WMD #MorallyInsane #Humanoid #SocialPredator #SoulEater #Duplicious #JanusFaced #Histrionic #DiabolicalNarcissism #NarcissisticAbuse #SystematicEmotionalAbuse #AbuseByProxy #Gaslighting #MentalTorture #SerialSoulKiller #PsychologicalViolence #SpiritualMurder #Sociopathic #DoctusiPredopath #PsychoGrooming #EmotionalRapist #ConArtist #LoveFraud #IdentityTheft #PathologicalLiar #PsychopathyAwareness #SafetyFirst #PSA


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