Saturday, 23 February 2019

Empaths are Exposing Narcissistic Soul Eaters

Echoists are Exposing Narcissistic Soul Eaters:

"That's what they feed on, emotional pain." -- "Your anger feeds its power." ― Ada [Rula Lenska] in AURA (2018) - SEE THE AURA RELEASE THE EVIL

Energy Vampires: They Don't Suck Your Blood, They Suck Your Aura | "Evil loves to play victim, when they are the ones causing the tragedy, trauma, and tribulations in other people's life. They ploy on your pity, sympathy and empathy." ― Meredith Mynrose, Universal Healer (Energy Vampires : They don't suck your blood, They suck your Aura)

"What seems to cause offense is the concept that there may be more than one type of human." — Laura Knight-Jadczyk, (The Secret History of the World)

Download Free eBook: "What Makes Narcissists Tick: Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder" ― by Kathy Krajco

#NPD #ClusterB #WMD #MoralInsanity #MaskofSanity #FalseImage #FalseReality #Dangerous #Vicious #JanusFaced #EvilEye #VVitchery #BlackMagic #Spellbound #Hypnosis #SugarCoatedEvil #SocialPredator #IntraspeciesPredator #SoulCannibal #SoulEater #EmotionalLeech #Psychophage #EnergyVampire #SympathyVampire #SpiritualAuraVampirism #DiabolicalNarcissism #Conscienceless #Emotionless #Remorseless #Ruthless #ReptilianBrain #Soulless #Parasitic #SelfServing #Nonhuman #NegativeEntity #Aura #AttentionWhoring #Histrionic #Chameleon #Machiavellian #Megalomaniac #Demoniac #Satanic #EmissaryofSatan #AgentofDarkness #AgentSaboteur #AgentProvocateur #IncitingAgent #MatrixAgent #PsychoGrooming #DoctusiPredopath #Covetous #ColdBlooded #SnakesInSuits #Backstabbing #Scorpion #ScorpionAndTheFrog #SelfDestructive #UncannyValley #Humanoid #HiveMind #Sociopathic #NarcissisticAbuse #SystematicEmotionalAbuse #AbuseByProxy #RelationalTrauma #LoveFraud #EmotionalRapist #ConArtist #IdentityThief #DupersDelight #Sadistic #Smirk #CovertAggression #PassiveAggressive #PsychologicalViolence #SerialSoulKiller #PsychologicalWarfare #MindGames #MentalTorture #SpiritualMurder #PathologicalLiar #Mirroring #Gaslighting #Exploiting #DivideAndConquer #SpiritualVenom #Antidote #PsychopathyAwareness #SafetyFirst #DontBeSilent #StandInTruth #ReportAbuse #ReportSafetyIssues #ReportIllegalActivites #ReportCriminalOffences #StopBullyingNow #EndAbuse #EndCorruption #ExposeCriminals #ExposeNarcissists #ExposingEnergyVampires #Alienate #Ostracised #Scapegoat #SurvivorStories #NoContactEverAgain #WNAAD #PSA

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