Sunday, 27 January 2019

11 Manipulative Ways Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths Sabotage Their Victims (Part 1)

11 Manipulative Ways Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths Sabotage Their Victims (Part 1):

#NPD #ClusterB #WMD #MorallyInsane #Sabotage #Sociopathic #SerialSoulKiller #SocialPredator #PerniciousPsychophages #NarcissisticAbuse #SystematicEmotionalAbuse #EmotionalRape #DomesticViolence #DomesticTerrorism #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualMurder #PsychopathyAwareness #DontBeSilent #ReportAbuse #SurvivorStories #SafetyFirst #PSA

Friday, 25 January 2019


"Malignant narcissists are murderers (whether it be physically or psychically) who are criminally and morally insane." ― SAGACIOUS NEWS, (SNN):

#NPD #MoralInsanity #ClusterB #WMD #Sociopathic #DivideAndConquer #MurderRing #LuciferianGroup #Drone #EmissaryofSatan #AgentofDarkness #AgentSaboteur #IncitingAgent #MatrixAgent #MalignantEgophrenia #SpiritualVirus #ReptilianConsciousness #PredatoryConsciousness #HiveMind #Borg #Robotic #Satanic #ColdBlooded #SerialSoulKiller #SoulMurder #PsychologicalMurder #PsychopathyAwareness #NPDawareness #DontBeSilent #DontGiveUp #StandUpAgainstNPDabuse #StandInTruth #ReportAbuse #StopBullyingNow #EndAbuse #EndCorruption #ExposeCriminals #ExposeNarcissists

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Whole Again: Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse

Whole Again: Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse:

Female Sociopaths in the Workplace

Female Sociopaths in the Workplace:

#Sociopaths #WorkplaceNarcissism #WorkplaceSociopaths #CorporateNarcissists #NarcissisticAbuse #FemaleNarcissists #WorkplaceBullying #WorkplaceMobbing #MoralInsanity #ClusterB #WMD #Sociopathic #DivideAndConquer #Drone #EmissaryofSatan #AgentofDarkness #AgentSaboteur #IncitingAgent #MatrixAgent #MalignantEgophrenia #PsychopathyAwareness #NPDawareness #DontBeSilent #DontGiveUp #StandUpAgainstNPDabuse #StandInTruth #ReportAbuse #StopBullyingNow #EndAbuse #EndCorruption #ExposeCriminals #ExposeNarcissists #Victory #Survivors #Healing #ComeBackStronger #ComeBack #WNAAD

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Tactics Narcissists Use to Keep You Within a Sunken Place

Tactics Narcissists Use to Keep You Within a Sunken Place:

"Narcissists and those with a cluster B personality work quickly to breakdown any personal boundaries within his or her relationships in order to maintain a strong sense of control and dominance. The false self-image must rule the end of the day and remain relevant in the narcissist’s life. Those who practice personal boundaries are those who trust themselves, therefore; he or she will more than likely critically think, rather than become reactionary when the narcissist pulls shenanigans. However; when narcissists and those with a cluster B personality seek source supply from others, he or she is notorious for attempting to play mind games by using gaslighting techniques to achieve their goal.

There are particular keywords, phrases and gestures in which the narcissist has masterminded in order to maintain source supply and keep the targeted prey in a sunken place."

― Luminousz Ztar


Sunday, 20 January 2019

Three Myths That We are Taught to Believe About Cluster B Personality Types ― by Luminousz Ztar

Three Myths That We are Taught to Believe About Cluster B Personality Types

"There are many cluster B personality types who engage in diabolical tactics that some might not believe anyone would do on purpose. However; for cluster B personality types, the purpose of engaging in diabolical tactics, while pulling various shenanigans, is survival. The very act of setting traps in order to entice and ensnare targeted prey for various sources of narcissistic supply, is nothing short of intentional. Ironically, one of the myths that we are taught to believe about cluster B personality types, is that he or she did not mean to do what they did to harm others for narcissistic supply.

There are some highly Intuitive and intuitive empaths who seem to find the concept that anyone, yet alone cluster B personality types, to be capable of intentionally harming others for any reason. Empaths are notorious for having the capacity to feel the energy and or emotions of others around him or her. Energy vampires such as cluster B personality types, are drawn to empaths for this reason alone. This does not mean that empaths are doomed to feel drained for the rest of their lives. Certain mythbusters about cluster b personality types, might prove to become game changers for him or her.

Cluster B personality types have three fundamental characteristics:


― Luminousz Ztar
