Saturday, 16 February 2019

Deadly Abuse Committed by Mental Health Professionals

There is No Excuse for Abuse or Ignorance in the Field of Mental Health

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” — Albert Einstein

#NPD #ClusterB #WMD #MoralInsanity #Megalomaniac #Sociopathic #NarcissisticAbuse #SystematicEmotionalAbuse #EmotionalRape #MentalTorture #SerialSoulKiller #PsychologicalMurder #CPTSD #RelationalTrauma #ReTraumatising #FalseAccusations #GuiltTripping #Discrediting #Invalidation #Deflection #VictimBlaming #BlameShifting #AbuseOfAuthority #Accountability #CriminalComplicity #CriminalNegligence #AccessoryAfterTheFact #Dishonourable #OutrageousConduct #ProfessionalMisconduct #ProliferateAbuse #Destructive #Gaslighting #TraumaVampires #EmotionalDistress #Irresponsible #DrugPushers #Coercion #Subjugation #Suicide #Misconduct #Corruption #Abetting #Accomplice #Culpable #ProfessionalCriminal #AbuseByProxy #SocialPredator #PsychopathyAwareness #SafetyFirst #PSA

1 comment:

  1. Machine shot capacity – The maximum quantity of resin which may be injected in a single stroke. Jig – The apparatus which holds and CNC machining guides the software through the manufacturing course of. Flow fee – The quantity of fabric passing exhausting and fast|a set} point per unit time.
